ZOHR Water Management Project ( 4Phases)

ZOHR Water Management Project ( 4Phases)

ELECON .. Leading through Experience.

ELECON takes pride in being awarded with the 4th phase of the Zohr field national project, which enabled Egypt to become self-sufficient in natural gas.

We at ELECON have extensive experience and knowledge of the OIL&GAS sector because of our success in the first 3 phases of the ZOHR field development project and other projects in this sector.

such accomplishments are a testament to ELECON`s strong customer retention strategy, which we embrace and strive for.

The Project Scope of Work:-

Supply and install the following systems:-

HVAC: Air cooled chillers, ACCUs, CRAC units, AHUs, FCUs, Air valves& Fans.

Electrical: MCC`s, Low voltage cables, Control works (BMS).

For 24 onshore buildings includes (main gate, secondary gate, Almasjed, administrative building, firefighting station and clinic, laboratory, central control room, workshop, warehouse, chemical shelter, substation 100A,B , substation 500, substation 700, substation 800, LER03, LER05, LER06, LER07)

Project Location:

Port Said, EGYPT

This new award elaborates ELECON`s pioneer position in the Egyptian MEP market. 


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